I hope you are well and that it won't be long before we all can focus on what we love to do most and create, create, create beauty and LOVE.

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Dream big and that should be possible! 💜

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Very nice, I like how you worked the flower of life in there. You may see a cathedral ceiling reaching for the heavens, vinelike but tethered to the ground.

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Jupiter the planet of expansion, and the cover of sacral geometry. Dream big by reaching for the stars. Beautiful Michael.

I’ve said before I hear Gustav Holst when I see your Soulscapes! ✨💫✨ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gu77Vtja30c

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I woke up this morning with the thought "Religion should be about building cathedrals to the impossible" and then when I opened Substack this post was the first thing I saw. Kind of serendipitous.

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Wow, serendipitous, for sure. : )

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Just gorgeous ❤️. I love the thought and the gorgeous execution behind this painting and this project as a whole.

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