Newberry, The World Is Not Enough, 2018, oil, 64x48”.
Art nudges us to imagine beyond our limits, igniting a fire to pursue the unattainable. In The World Is Not Enough, the nude figure of a woman reaches upward, her gaze fixed on the stars. She embodies the human spirit, set within a transparent cathedral impossibly placed on one of Jupiter’s moons. This vision of transcendence speaks to the spark within us all. Art awakens our hidden potential, urging us to transform impossibility into reality.
Artwork: The World Is Not Enough by Newberry.
Written by Newberry.
Video and voice created with Clipchamp.
The Vision Behind Soulscape
Art is not merely a reflection of our world—it is the guiding light of our progress, shaping who we are and who we aspire to be. This book celebrates the transformative power of representational and figurative art, highlighting its ability to inspire a renaissance of creativity, humanity, and cultural vitality. By reconnecting with the best of our artistic heritage, we can lay the foundation for a new golden age of art and civilization.
Art is a window to our future.
Read all the sections that have been published so far.
I hope you are well and that it won't be long before we all can focus on what we love to do most and create, create, create beauty and LOVE.
I woke up this morning with the thought "Religion should be about building cathedrals to the impossible" and then when I opened Substack this post was the first thing I saw. Kind of serendipitous.