AH! I love "Hymn to the Sun" SO MUCH ! And this is a great idea, I love all of these figures. How exciting. Thank you for taking a page from Da Vinci and then sharing that with us. I look to you as my teacher. *bow :) Da Vinci knew somethings. I have used him as an excuse before too. Do you know if he ever said this, "An Artist Uses The Tools of His Day"? I was not able to find a quote that that by him, but I remember reading it in a book once. It was regarding how everyone was giving him crap about using a mirror to paint his own reflection. I look forward to your work, always. What? You are being called to PAINT? Well, the shock of it all....haha. *hands you a green tea , turns on soft classical music and leaves the room. :) I would stand guard at your door for you if I could.

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Aha, that's so nice of you, Amy. I gladly accept the green tea. Actually, I'll make some, but iced—it is getting a little warm now. From my book, Evolution Through Art. “Vermeer showed us the effects of daylight on his subjects set in interiors. His works have a photographic realism to them, and it is speculated that he used a camera obscura (an optical device, also known to da Vinci, in which a small hole in the side of a box acts like a lens and collects the image in front of it, then projects it upside down on the box's inner wall).”

So absolutely, da Vinci used devices of his time and created them. So for you to think he said it is reasonable. I remember him analyzing the optimal distance between the model and the artist to get nearly perfect realistic proportions was 12’, I am recalling from memory, 3-4 yards.

Newberry, Michael. Evolution Through Art: Art—Integrator of the Human Spirit (pp. 184-185). Kindle Edition.

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Thank you, I will take it. I appreciate that excerpt. When I say I used him as an excuse, I am referring to using an overhead projector to shine a mural drawing up, rather than using the graphing method.

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Yes, I remember you talking about that right? For mural in the middle of the night on top of a truck or car? Mine is more simple, just use the grid from photoshop so I don’t destroy the drawing with a grid overlay, never warmed-up (pun) to the projector.

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Delighted to hear the Space Series will be expanding, and I love the idea of swirling a nebula with a finger!

And speaking of Vermeer, did I ever recommend the “Tim’s Vermeer” documentary? It is fascinating. I think Amy @whatisanamereally would enjoy it too!


Cheers! ✨🥂✨

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Yes you did and I remember watching it! I had just thought of swirling the nebula when I wrote that.

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Funny. I was just looking over a big pile of quick gesture and figure studies I did over the past week, thinking "oh I could use this, and that..." Like, 30 minutes ago.

Love the space concept.

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Ha, definitely a synergistic karma calling you. And thank you.

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I'm overwhelmed at the magnificence of your concepts and how you are at one with your work. An absolute modern day master. What a blessing to get an intimate viewpoint. ox

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That’s high praise, but warmly appreciated! Thank you.

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It’s so hard to receive praise, but your work resonates something so special and deep, straight from your beautiful unique soul. I love the way we all see the world and creation. It’s beautiful. ox

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Deborah, I genuinely accept and receive it. Thank you. I should have written "and " instead of "but." And I take it very seriously, literally stopping what I am doing, and making a conscious note of it ... reminding myself that those are moments of ends in themselves. Breath it in. And honor the personal that feels that way by my art and honoring myself. Its spiritual currency.

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I love that you are going to use the drawings from the scrapped painting you wrote about for the finger swirling nebula (right?? Or am I mis- remembering?) I love your gorgeous figure drawings and I understand that overwhelming and burning need to a PAINT. I know it will be gorgeous when you do.

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Thank you @Jenn and your memory is spot on, yes, that was the failed painting I worked on over 7 years, hahah, maybe the drawing refused to participate until I found the perfect setting for it?!

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Oh, yes. I love that thought. It was meant for something else. I can’t wait to see what you do with it, and I am so thrilled it gets a second chance. LOVE the nebular swirl idea. And love that these things popped into your head all of a sudden and you are all on fire for them. Bring on the paint!

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Manipulating nebulas, swirling them with fingers. What a beautiful idea Michael. You give life to art. 🙏✨💜

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Thank you so much Charlotte. 😀💜💫

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I love this idea. These pieces speak to me and your forms and movement is amazing. Anyone who collects these is lucky IMHO. Beautiful. ❤️

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Thank you. A collector sent this to me yesterday. : )

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