Aug 1Liked by Michael Newberry

A lifetime ago Michael......however your incredible talent lives on! Soooo proud to say 'I know Michael Newberry the artist'. Love Anna

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So happy you saw this Anna, love you!

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Aug 1Liked by Michael Newberry

Sounds like a very much needed conference Michael, I have felt for a very long time that we need a new renaissance in art, a return to beauty and romanticism may help lift us up out of the cultural mire we are currently in. Make Art Beautiful Again. . .could maybe make up some MABA hats, Lol.

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Frater, thank you I like the spirit of your comments! The artists are there, but the deepstate/CIA cabal is still intrenched in and gatekeeping the artworld. If you have the interest, Frances Saunders's book The Cultural Cold War: The CIA and the World of Arts and Letters is freak'n brilliant history, exposing their cultural incursions. There are some champions for MABA but they come from dissenting voices within the deepstate, hopelessly compromised. And there are regional magazines and communities but they think small. And I have yet to see a mega wealthy person with a Lorenzo de Medici mindset. If Musk knew as much about art has he does technology we would be fine, but he's just a nerd that likes to sleep on a couch in a trailer.

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Aug 1Liked by Michael Newberry

I like that you used the acronym MABA in your reply, too funny 🤣

I will check out Saunder's book, sounds intriguing

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Jul 31Liked by Michael Newberry

I just now finished listening to Rachmaninov's Piano Concerto #2 & have to agree with you. Great insight as always.

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Jul 31Liked by Michael Newberry

That sounds incredible; the atmosphere, filled with all those beautiful minds and ideas, must have been electric. What an achievement to put all that together!

I ordered your studio book, I am eagerly awaiting its arrival and hope to better myself and teach my kids, too. Thank you so much for sharing your story, your art, your talent.

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I’m so honored Jenn! 💜

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Aug 2Liked by Michael Newberry

It is here and it is incredible, what a wealth of knowledge. Thank you, I’m so excited to dig in.

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Love it! Thank you! 💜

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This must be an amazing conference

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