
Thank you for restacking @Dave pearen !

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Jun 18Liked by Michael Newberry

The study of all the different dimensions, attributes, details and reflections of light and color adds to my own artistic endeavors. So amazing as I look at the rainbows they make in our front room as they hang in the windows and off of fixtures and sit on table tops. I too am detail oriented after a creative item or new idea hits me. I may spend many days coming back to one of the pieces and just filing a little here or adding a piece there. Just like cooking for me. I feel it is the tiniest details that make the dish exquisite not the main ingredients. Thank for reassuring me I am not "obsessive compulsive"! I am just being true to my artistic expression in a perfect way!

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Jun 18Liked by Michael Newberry

Thank you for the deep inspiration! I stepped away from doing art for a long time, and it’s only after starting again during some deep spiritual experiences and shadow work starting in 2019, that I realized how the absence of doing art wounded my being. Seeing your wonderful work; the incredible quick studies, your paintings and all the descriptions has been truly inspirational.

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Thank you V. I am glad you found it inspiring. If you do pick it up again be very kind to yourself. Funny, when I mess up a work, I think, "yay, now I have a throw-away piece that can experiment freely on and see what happens!"

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Jun 18Liked by Michael Newberry

I appreciate the good advice and am less concerned about messing up lately.

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Jun 19Liked by Michael Newberry

I really, really love your art from your Florida chapter! Especially the interior looking into your sunroom that you worked on 15 minutes a day! I love the line drawings and the clear vase and the reflections of your silhouette with the door window in your head. I think this was my favorite chapter yet. Such beautiful work.

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That is so cool. Thank you Jenn.

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Jun 19Liked by Michael Newberry

Thank you for sharing your art, it is truly a pleasure to partake in your journey.

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