Jun 23Liked by Michael Newberry

"Afterwards, one continues their journey, building towards the next eudaemonia moment."

I feel like many people don't realise this. It's always, "I am going to get that job and then I am going to be happy" or "when I get married I will be happy" or "when I achieve X I will be content". It's like people think there is some plateau that needs to be reached and then they will be happy forever. They then become disgruntled when it doesn't keep them happy forever and then start questioning their initial choices (like who they married or the job the wanted) instead of working through the next challenge - going backwards instead of forwards.

Anyways, I think what I am trying to say is you are drawing attention to an important topic in a beautiful way. Amazing!

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Thank you for restacking @Dave pearen !

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Jun 23Liked by Michael Newberry

I enjoy the way you blend art and philosophy. This was a wonderful read, thank you.

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Thank you Jenn! : )

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You’re welcome!

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