Thank you , and what a fascinating discussion you provided in the link.

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Thank you Lauren!

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Jul 26Liked by Michael Newberry

WOW this is fantastic and changes so much that is out there about contrast as being the only way to evolve, change and grow! I do see we may be challenged in extremes which include other forces defining how far you will go to manage the "means" or define the means to an end result! I have one question and it may be that only a "higher evolved being" could answer this: "What is a higher frequency in this situation? Dying under these circumstances and being the food for others, or eating those who have died and living knowing that, (which means reconciling that on some level so you can evolve).

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Hey Sharon , yikes. I’m on my phone. Are you asking about a no win scenario? Which I think you are. Do you know about Star Treks academy quiz Kobayashi Maru? It was a no win test, and Kirk as a student reprogrammed the computer to make it possible to win.

In real life unforeseen events happen leaving victims in its wake. But Picasso knew that the Germans would confiscate his art in France, and demanded that his French art dealer take all of it to New York. The dealer got out on the last boat before German occupation of France.

You know the famous saying about god give me the wisdom to know the difference between what I can change and what I can’t.

But my view of art is that it about human agency and what we can do. I think art is call to action, but if the artist is offering a no win scenario as the goal, WTF is wrong with them?! Why would anyone program their human agency towards failure/defeatism?

What do you think about apparently hopeless situations?

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Jul 27Liked by Michael Newberry

I feel that there are no hopeless situations at all, which are presented to us, Michael. What would be the purpose (and I believe all things have purpose)? I just believe that we have choices which challenge us to be better versions of ourselves, so we can keep ascending in frequency to a higher level! They challenge us to connect to the source of ALL THAT IS in deeper and more profound ways and to live and die (if we must) by being true to ourselves. This scenario is a great example of the "ultimate" challenge I believe and I found it to be a thought provoking visual and philosophical experience for me.

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Sharon, beautifully said, and that matches my understanding of art and of good people. The weird thing is there is another kind of humanity that is made up of covert and non-covert predators. They think our sentiment.is BS. I just saw a meme about the French Olympics’ presentation of the drag version of the Last Supper. Athletics is on the highest levels is profoundly honest and requires talent and epic levels of training and it is fair. Terribly disrespectful to the athletes to celebrate phonies. Postmodern playbook in two ways: shit on art and values by repurposing the last supper trite and superficial drag show; and celebrating phonies to diminish the purity of the athletes. This was not innocent, but represented predatory behavior.

A lot of people don’t support me speaking out about postmodernism and Kant’s anti-humanity playbook. Yet I find it very practical as having done the work, it was insane clear for me my road ahead. It made investing in my vision a piece of cake.

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Jul 27Liked by Michael Newberry

Yes there is another "kind of humanity" who I see as helping us to stretch our reality and ignite creativity beyond the box it has always been in which was never their intent. Art is a good way to express how this novelty and new paradigm effects us better than anything I can imagine. So let your superpower, that is inspired by BEAUTI, (which is synonymous with LOVE) bring forth the best creation you have yet to express! For I know that there are only two paths or time lines available to all humans, the elemental kingdom and the Earth; one is by choosing what was portrayed by the opening ceremonies of the Olympics to feed the fallen, broken and enslaved victims of Malak and one that is LOVE, and reverence for ALL LIFE and it leads to ascension and higher frequencies that take us where no humans have ever gone before and you can have your "piece of cake" on the way and enjoy eating it too!

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Jul 27Liked by Michael Newberry

I do love this painting and can get lost in wonder at the skillfulness and beauty, but the subject is horrible and macabre. Though such things are part of life and it does us well to remember. I have never read Kant, and have just an intro to Aristotle, so I cannot contribute to the philosophy, but did enjoy reading your convo. Thank you so much.

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Well said @Jenn. Thank you.

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Jul 27Liked by Michael Newberry

Thank you for a better understanding of art and its purpose for enlightenment.

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Thank you!

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And on the question of why…because humanity loves looking in the mirror

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Jul 29Liked by Michael Newberry

This is an absolutely beautiful piece of writing.

I’ve always been sort of drawn to the macabre. There’s something compelling about looking at a piece of art that is so skillful yet so horrible. I spent a lot of time after reading this piece thinking about why this might be.

The conclusion I came to is that the macabre is the artistic equivalent of “real life”—there’s supreme beauty (evident in the skill of the artist) juxtaposed by darkness, which is inevitable. If kitsch is naïveté and postmodernism is nihilism, macabre romanticism is the depiction of life exactly as it is (a mixture of beauty and horror).

There’s a sort of tragic beauty in this. At its core, it serves the purpose of helping us stomach our own existence.

However, there’s a reason Michelangelo’s name is synonymous with artistic brilliance while Gericault’s is not. You’ve said that this is the ultimate goal of art is to transcend yourself, to strive towards the ideal.

That’s eudaemonia—a little piece of the divine.

Thanks so much for writing this.

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I appreciate your commenting Melissa, and I quoted it in restacking it with my added comments. https://substack.com/@michaelnewberry/note/c-63679634?utm_source=notes-share-action&r=8d39i

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