Thanks for sharing @Dave pearen

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<<Shudder>> I have to say, as bad as much of this is, for me it’s the ‘fashion’ that makes me feel the sickest. Gag me with a spoon, man. 🤢

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Many memes look better. That's perhaps because memes undergo multiple-stage curation.

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Fascinating, by curation do you mean refining the message more clearly, where these “art” images are more obtuse?

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Mostly selecting what is passed on.

Most memes you see have been passed with approval by dozens of people.

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Oh like the photo of the sardonic cat looking down its nose at a deranged liberal? Or the guy at the park table prove me wrong?

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or the orange jacket guy meme — IMHO one of the best at displaying contrasting emotions.

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"why aren't people buying museum tickets anymore"

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On x I’ve notice that the leading contemporary art museums and journals don’t get any traction. Like 30 views, no likes, one share. But Sabin Howard’s massive and brilliant war memorial, unveiling next week has extraordinary vibrant engagement. Good.

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When did ugly become fashionable? I must have blinked and missed that memo.

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...or horrific? When rich people funded that sort of thing. My post today is on topic, but edgier. https://open.substack.com/pub/denutrients/p/artist-funded-by-de-rothschilds-depicts?r=os7nw&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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That's what happens when you turn art into an investment asset, rather than an expression of the human soul.

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I think perhaps going back to the medieval attitude of art as anonymous tribute to the glory of God might return craft and beauty to the sad arts scene. I know increasingly I listen to music from the high middle ages as it seems more pure.

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Right it the middle of it, the BiG F word flew by, and told the entire story of contemporary art.

Thank you Michael, sad 😕

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Glad you saw that, it was some “painting” made to look like an advert, polished smut. And for a museum show.

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It’s smut alright! Lol! 😅

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Thank you for restacking @Micah Elizabeth

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I did not see much that I found compelling. Thank you for putting that together and sharing it.

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Thank you Jenn for your comment—I appreciate you taking the time to watch and acknowledge the video.

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It was very interesting; I do not keep up with what goes on out there (for better or for worse).

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