Why Subscribe to The Shrewd Artist?
For over 50 years, I have created art from chaos—an alchemy of untamed emotions, implacable reason, and a nerdy obsession with visual perception. I’ve lived on islands—Rodos (Greece), Manhattan, and Idyllwild in the sky. "You are the most stubborn child that ever existed." My mom’s favorite criticism, which I always thought was my best feature.
I have no worthy advice on getting along with others or navigating romantic relationships, though I have pretty much mastered self-realization through art. I’ve exhibited worldwide and sold around 800 artworks, starting with my first sale at 17 for 200 bucks. I see through the art world’s machinations, choosing instead to create 24/7, letting fame and fortune choose their own timing.
I have no hidden agenda. I’m simply sharing my love and knowledge of art, as deep as it gets. My Substack writings are for those who want to understand the mystery of and hoopla surrounding art, and for fellow artists ready to double down on their creativity and unleash their glorious weirdness.
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