Art Can Invite Us to Experience a Flourishing Society
3 Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Bal du moulin de la Galette, 1876. Private Collection. Wikimedia Commons.
In Pierre-Auguste Renoir's Bal du moulin de la Galette, the vibrant, joyful scene captures a moment of human connection, immersed in the warmth of a Sunday afternoon in Montmartre. The figures—dancing, looking, and mingling—exist in a gathering of flowing motion. Renoir's painting becomes a beacon, guiding us to join in celebration with others and appreciate the rewards of living in a healthy, vibrant world.
Art can open a window to our future.
My first thought was that I like Manet’s music at the Tuileries better, so I went and looked it up. I found it to be lacking the joy that Renoir infused into this scene. Thanks for helping me to see it with new eyes.
Thank you for the taste of what's to come, Michael! I'm hungry for more! 💖💖💖