Soulscape 29, Washington Crossing the Delaware by Emanuel Leutze
Art Illuminates Forgotten Dreams
Emanuel Leutze, Washington Crossing the Delaware, 1851. Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. WC.
An artwork can remind us of our hopes and dreams, as well as our stance towards the world. It could be a Venus or the David, but I chose George Washington Crossing the Delaware as a reminder that oppression, in any form, requires courage, intelligence, and sometimes unconventional means to triumph over it. Art conveys a permanent, iconic worldview that forever reminds us—as in this painting—to have a backbone.
The Shrewd Artist by Michael Newberry is a reader-supported publication. All articles and notes will remain free, but your paid subscription, even a modest one, helps in supporting a vision for a new Golden Age of art—one that I’ve dedicated over 50 years of my life to nurturing, both through my art and writing.