Soulscape 21, Art Liberates Your Heart, Mind, and Senses
From My Upcoming Book: Soulscape – The Role of Art in Our Lives
Newberry, Hymn to the Sun, 2023, oil, 64x48”.
Art is the only human endeavor that combines emotion, thought, and sensory perception into a unified whole. In life, those elements are always in a state of constant flux and often incongruent. Rarely, but in some fleeting moments of romantic love, do we experience the visibility of our entire being. Art permanently gives us the experience of true visibility, as if caressing our souls. It offers us a profound sense of liberation and the confidence to pursue our visions for a lifetime.
Art is a window to our future.
Artwork: Hymn to the Sun by Michael Newberry.
Written by Michael Newberry.
Video and Voice created with Clipchamp.
Frame of Reference: Thought, Emotion, and Sensory Perception in Art (8 min)
This painting is one of my favorites from your space series. The accompanying words are profoundly gorgeous.
Haha, I am glad any potential surgeon is not doing emotional art in there. That was a cool summary of the different elements that play in when an artist is making art.