Newberry, 7th Day, 2023, 64x48”.
Newberry, Creation of the Universe, 2023, 48x64”.
Newberry, Creation, 2023, 64x48”.
Newberry, Metamorphosis, 2023, 64x48”.
Newberry, Muses 1, 2023, 64x48”.
Newberry, Creation of the Planets, 2023, 64x48”.
Newberry, Hymn to the Sun, 2024, 64x48”.
Newberry, Muses 2, 2023, 64x48”.
Newberry, Vitruvian Man, 2024, 64x48”.
Reveal Vitruvian Man
My plan is to create three more so that there will nine verticals and three horizontals to complete the series.
They are looking wonderful! Really love this amazing project you're working on! Keep up the amazing work, Michael!
Amazing work! Thank you for sharing.